Get Your Own Phone Number In
Calls forward to your existing phones

Forward Your Calls To
Forward calls to any country

Canadian Phone Numbers

Increase Customer Satisfaction With Canadian Phone Numbers

See how international call forwarding can help your business grow. Get your own dedicated phone number in any country, and answer those calls anywhere. Activate your international call forwarding, and you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Trust us for the best in international call forwarding service. Get the smartest call forwarding available.

The Most Reliable Canadian Phone Numbers

Thousands of businesses worldwide trust for their Canadian phone numbers. You’ll be able to test our services and see how well meets your needs. Visit for the best in Canadian phone numbers. Choose your Canada phone numbers from our huge inventory.

Get Canadian Phone Numbers In Over 70 Countries

Canadian phone numbers make it easier for customers to reach you, which will help increase your bottom line. We serve over 10,000 customers all over the world with our huge inventory of available phone lines, advanced call forwarding, and a virtual PBX phone system. Get Canadian phone numbers with more.

Click for your Canadian phone numbers with many smart features. We have thousands of Canadian phone numbers to choose from. Not only do we offer the best Canadian phone numbers available, butwe also have the best rates on phone numbers in Canada with our extensive phone numbers in Canada options.

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